السبت، 18 مايو 2013

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الجمعة، 10 مايو 2013

نتيجة امتحانات الشهادة السودانية 2013-2014

الاخوة طلاب وطالبات الشهادة السودانية ،،، كما عودتكم شبكة سوداني ون
ان تتابع كل المستجدات الخاصة بنتائج الشهادة السودانية لكل الاعوام
تتجدد الوعود في هذا العام 2013 بان تكون من اوائل الداعمين لطلاب الشهادة السودانية
وهنا سيكون الوعد والميعاد لكل اهل السودان
نشارككم الافراح ونتقاسم لحظة النجاح


عودة لنتيجة العام السابق 2012

اسماء اوائل الشهادة السودانية 2012-2013

كانت نسبة النجاج في القسم الاكاديمي 69.3% بنسبة نجاح 72% للبنات و67% للبنين والقسم الفني نسبة النجاح 50.2% والاهلية والقراءات 76.3% واحرز المركز الأول فى المستوى الأكاديمي الطالبة آلاء عطاء المنان الصديق (96,7%)، والمستوى الأهلى والقراءات الطالب اسماعيل عمر عثمان، القسم الحرفي الطالب مصعب صلاح الدين محمد بمجوع (455)، والقسم التجارى الطالبة تهانى سعيد (96%)، والقسم الفني الطالب محمد عباس حمزة (82,9%)، القسم الزراعى الطالب ممدوح أدريس (70,9%)، والقسم النسوي الطالبة روضة أحمد (74,3%).

وكانت ترتيب العشرة الاوائل القسم الاكاديمي على النحو الآتي :

1 - آلاء عطاء المنان الصديق عوض الله - مدرسة المنار الخرطوم
2 - ربا على محمد فضل الخرطوم - الخرطوم النموذجية
3 - سمير محمد عبد الباقي - كسلا
3 - فاطمة نور الدين البدوي
5 - ايمن زهير عبد الرحيم مدارس القبس
5 - رنا محمد حسن من مدرسة - أسماء عبد الرحيم
5 - خالد عبد الرحيم محمد
8 - ايلاف محمد علي- مدارس الخرطوم
8- حازم نعيم عبد العال بشير
10 - آلاء ابو بكر الصديق


تفضلوا بزيارة الرابط الخاص لنتيجة الشهادة السودانية

اضغط هنا للدخول


سيتم تحديث الرابط تلقائيا في حالة اعلان النتيجة باذن الله


امنياتنا القلبية لكل الطلاب بالنجاح والتفوق باذن الله

نتيجة امتحانات الشهادة السودانية 2013-2014 - شبكة سوداني ون

الأربعاء، 8 مايو 2013

Top Announcements in the Google Adsense adsense 2013

As a rule of thumb, we found that it is often the performance of larger ad sizes higher than perform longest analogues, thanks to the format compatible and easy for the reader. Readers understand the information in the form of ideas units (or group of words at a time). Thus, the larger sizes allows them to easily read the texts more at a glance without having to skip the line, and then back to the left margin after reading a few words and then reinsert the ball until the end of the text, as is the case when read longitudinal ads.

If you put these ads with wide sizes well, it can lead to an increase in your earnings significantly. We found that the sizes that are most effective are:


Large rectangle size 336 x 280

And rectangle average size 300 × 250

And Allidrburd of size 728 x 90

And Wide Skyscraper size 160 x 600


And remember that, although the ad sizes listed usually has a good performance, but it should be used more sizes compatible with your pages. For more information about the sizes of these ads


It is best to add an ad unit size is recommended instead of two smaller Aalanatin units each.
Advice to achieve the best profit from small ad space: Try using sophisticated link unit described below; sizes where these multi-purpose enough to make them suitable for sites that do not fit the normal display ads

الثلاثاء، 7 مايو 2013

Karnataka records best SSLC, Pre University results

A total of 8.36 lakhs students appeared for the class X board exams. 
  • A total of 8.36 lakhs students appeared for the class X board exams.

  • A total of 8.36 lakhs students appeared for the class X board exams.
    The Hindu Photo Library A total of 8.36 lakhs students appeared for the class X board exams.

The results of the 2013 Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) exams, announced on Monday, are the best yet with a total pass percentage of 77.47., an increase of 1.34 percentage points over last year’s 76.13.
Of the total 8.36 lakh students who wrote the examination, 6.47 lakh have passed. The pass percentage of fresh candidates for the exam, conducted last month, stands at 82.84 per cent, a marginal increase (0.58 percentage points) over 82.26 per cent last year.
Director of the Karnataka Secondary Education and Examination Board (KSEEB) D. Venkateshiah said, “This is the highest SSLC pass percentage so far. We have been beating our own records over the past two years.”
As usual, girls have outperformed boys. While the overall pass percentage of girls stands at 82.29, it is 73.25 per cent for boys. Rural areas have fared better than urban areas, with pass percentages of 82.83 and 78.41 respectively.
Kumar G. Naik, Secretary, Primary and Secondary Education, said at Monday’s press conference: “Surprisingly, Kolar district is now the fourth highest (sic) education district. It has moved up 17 places (from last year’s 21st position) with a pass percentage of 86.3 per cent.”
Chikkodi district has grabbed the top spot with 89.86 per cent; it was in the fifth position last year. The second and third places have been bagged by Mandya (88.56 per cent) and Udupi (87.68 per cent). Bidar has remained at the bottom for the fourth consecutive year with a pass percentage of 67.95. The other districts that performed poorly include Gulbarga (71.3 per cent) and Bellary (75.5 per cent), as did most districts in the Hyderabad Karnataka region.
Top scorers
Sudhindra M.S. from Vijaya High School, Bangalore, scored 622 marks out of 625 to clinch the top spot.
The second spot is shared by three students, while the third spot is shared by five students.
Pre University results
The results of the II pre-university (PU) course have also recorded a high. With a record pass percentage of 59.36, this is the best score card since 2003’s 45.19 per cent. The 2013 exam results are also 2.33 percentage points more than last year’s pass percentage of 57.03.
While the number of students who registered for the exam was 6.14 lakh, 6.11 lakh attended the exam. Of these, 3.63 lakh passed.
Announcing this at a press conference here on Monday, minutes before the results were made available online, Kumar G. Naik, Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education, added that this year, the number of students who wrote the exams were also 16,000 more than in 2012. While the pass percentage for regular students stood highest at 69.41, repeaters had a pass percentage of 24.83 while 29.98 per cent of external candidates passed.
Udupi educational district toppled Mangalore from its top position with a pass percentage of 92.72. Mangalore stands second this time with 91.76 per cent, followed by Karwar (82.97 per cent), Kodagu (80.83 per cent) and Chikmagalur (78.02 per cent). Yadgir remained at the bottom of the table (31st position) with a meagre 46.02 per cent. Bangalore south, north and rural stood ninth, tenth and 11th respectively, followed by Mysore at 12th position.

الاثنين، 6 مايو 2013

Favorite Traffic Sources Enjoy

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  • Goarticles.com - Great for backlinks, not to great for paying customers, but still worth submitting too.
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زيادة زوار موقعك 8640 زيارة

زيادة زوار موقعك 8640 زيارة

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وبالتوفيق للجميع ،،،،