- U.Sfreeads
- Craigslist
- Kijiji
- Backpage
- Blog Commenting - Comment on blogs related to your niche with a link to your website, or blog. Please do not spam! Post intelligent, relevant comments. I hate people that spam my blog be respectful!
- Craigslist Forum - Hidden traffic source not many marketers know about that works very well.
- Craigslist Blog - Most people do not even know Craigslist has a blog. Use there millions of users to your advantage, and post relevant comments on this high powered blog.
- Youtube - Need I say more? Did you know that Youtube is actually the second largest search engine in the World? Your probably laughing saying this guy is an idiot. Stop laughing it is true! Even though Youtube is a video sharing website owned by you guessed it Google. People are actually using it like a search engine. Youtube visitors are using the search bar to search for videos just like a search engine. Why not take advantage of this and submit some videos with a link to your website, or blog? Choose a good title and you are off to the races with free targeted traffic. There are actually a lot of marketers on Youtube, who are earning a lot of money by just specializing in video marketing.
- Youtube Video Commenting - Back to Youtube again ever look at all the top videos on Youtube that get millions of views? Why not take advantage of this by leaving relevant comments on videos in your niche that are highly viewed? If people like your comments they will visit your Youtube profile, see your website link, and take a look. Voila! Free targeted traffic just do not spam make relevant comments.
- Warriorforum
- This is the best internet marketing forum online bar none, and I
have been a member there for a while. You will learn a lot of great
tips there for sure so if you have not signed up for a free account do
so quickly. I am Entrepreneurjay on there feel free to drop me a line.
Add a signature in your control panel to your website, or blog. Every
post you make your free advertising begins with a link to your website
underneath every post. P.S. Do not spam you will be like Arnold Schwarzenegger
and terminated! There are people making millions of dollars online in
this forum take all the free advice that you can get.
- www.honestworkfromhomesuccess.com -This online forum is like Warriorforums little brother they have great traffic levels and an active community. Be sure to add them to your arsenal affiliates!
- Websitebabble.com - Lisa the owner of this forum is very cool, and she has a very active community.
- Press Releases - Submit press releases for free to various press release websites online. My favorite is http://www.prlog.org For a complete list I found a great blog with 20 free press release sites. You can check them out here: 20+ Free Press Release Distribution Sites
- Twitter - You are gonna want to sign up for a free Twitter account with a link to your blog, or website in your Twitter profile. I am not a big fan of Twitter but I do use it every time I update my blog with a new post.
- Facebook - I am not huge into social marketing myself but there are plenty of successful people out there who earn a lot of money through Twitter, Facebook, Myspace ETC... There are like half a billion Facebook members so making a profile with a link to your site is a very good idea. Even if you do not plan on using Facebook in your marketing campaigns it will give you a nice backlink.
- Ezinearticles.com - The biggest article directory online. If your just starting out affiliate marketing and your looking for free targeted traffic, and juicy backlinks, submit those articles affiliates! Ezinearticles is the king of article directories.
- Articlesbase.com - I love this article directory they are on Ezinearticles.coms tail for the best online and it is instant approval. Great free traffic source to increase your income levels.
- Goarticles.com - Great for backlinks, not to great for paying customers, but still worth submitting too.
- Hubpages.com - I can go on and on about the various ways to earn money through hubpages . You can monetize your hubs through affiliate marketing, Google adsense, Amazon, and even Kontera. The hubs rank well in the search engines, and they are very pleasing to the eye. I have made quite a bit of money now, and in the past by writing hubs for hubpages. Take advantage of this excellent traffic source affiliates!
- Adswaps - If you have already started an email list which I highly recommend by the way if you have not. The old saying goes the money is in the list, and that is 110% true! If you already have an email list and you want to increase your email list, and skyrocket your sites traffic check out Safeswaps it is one of the best investments I have ever made I make 10 times what safeswapscharges after the first months membership by using there service. If you set up a few adswaps a week this can really make you some fast money. For those of you who do not know what adswaps are it is basically you sending out a free offer to your list for another affiliate marketer in exchange for them sending an ad out for you. This works out for both parties to increase your list size, your earnings, and your traffic all at the same time.
- Yahoo answers - Comment on questions related to your niche. After enough posts you can have an active link to your blog, or website, for a lot of free targeted traffic. Even before you have enough posts you can make a yahoo profile with a link to your website. If the person likes your answer they will be sure to visit your website.
- Rss Feeds - Submit your blog to free rss feeds
- Squidoo - Great backlink but they are not very affiliate friendly. I like hubpages a lot better - but never the less good for a backlink. You could earn a lot more money with them in the past but a lot of affiliate marketers still use them.
- Traffic Exchanges - I am not a big fan of traffic exchanges first off. The quality of traffic they produce is low quality non-buyers. Most of them are freebie seekers with no advertising budget. Not the kind of traffic I want to attract to my blog. This is a business, and we are in business to make money. Not lose it! When I first started out years ago, I remember sitting at the computer viewing countless websites in exchange for them viewing my website. Oh, what a waste of time that was! Russian roulette anyone? All kidding aside. If your a beginner just starting out in the affiliate, or Internet marketing industry, try them out for yourself let me know what you think? Some marketers swear that traffic exchanges are great for building lists. Not the kind of email list I want, but too each his own. Here are a few popular traffic exchanges, if anything it is a few good backlinks to your site. http://www.tr afficswarm.com @ Traffic-Splash free manual surf traffic exchange
- Pinterest - This is a newer traffic source that is really taking pinning your favorite things you find off the internet I guess you can compare it too a Facebook like. If you need an invite send me an email at affiliatelessons@jaysonlinereviews.com and I will send you one over a.s.a.
موقع سوداني شامل الاخبار العالمية والطب والرياضة ومكتبات شعرية وادبية وروائية واخبار الشهادة السودانية وتطوير المواقع والقنوات الفضائية iphon ipad samaung galaxy
الاثنين، 6 مايو 2013
Favorite Traffic Sources Enjoy
زيادة عدد زوار موقعك الي 8640 زيارة في اليوم شرح متكامل
ملاحظه هذا الموقع يجلب لك زيارات من جميع انحاء العالم وهذا يعني زيادة
رانك موقعك وتقليلل ترتيبه في اليكسا وبالطبع زيادة الربح من ادسينس لان
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الدول الاجنبية عالي عنه في الدول العربيه)
والان مع الشرح
رابط الموقع من هنا
وتابع الشرح بالصور
وتابع الشرح بالصور

سوف تدخل علي بريدك الالكتروني وتضغط علي رساله التفعيل التي يرسلها لك الموقع
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auto - surf here

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